So for all of you dying to know how my days go, its as follows:
8:15- wake up, shower, try not to make alot of noise so as to not upset sleeping beast (aka Ronnie, our dog who thinks that a creak in the floor is a robber) who if wakes up will in turn awake other sleeping beast (aka Cesár my roomate).
8:55- Leave house, turn on iPod and remember how miserable it is that the silicone earpiece for your headphones was lost some days ago, possible unfortunate mishap with your credit card attacking said earpiece and silicone cover escaping to the safety of the street, never to be seen again.
9:15- Hopefully catch #523 to Móstoles, if not wait til 9:26, in both cases pray that bus doesn't break down, en route on side of highway.
10:00- arrive at school, prepare yourself to be slightly deafened by uproar of 250 children screaming in concrete hallways, carefully make way to classroom, avoid all contact with running children or end up on floor.
11:00- merienda aka snack aka I pig out on pastries, jamón coffee and whatever else they bring us, also gossip with teachers about weekend.
11:30-12:30 another class, chase 7 year olds around classroom, screaming questions in english and hope no one hits you in head with eraser, pencil etc...kick out kid making farts noises (secretly laugh inside) and take a deep breath.
12:30-2:00 do nothing, write e-mails, read and

(OK NOT ACTUALLY OUR TABLE, BUT CLOSE ENOUGH minus strange man in Santa hat hiding in corner)
2:00-LUNCH TIME! Undoubtedly one of the best parts of the day. Picture a room with a 20 ft. long table, plates bowls silverware all laid out and a tray with the most glorious amount of delicious food you could imagine waiting to be eaten. This is also known as Lauren-stuffs-her-face hour where I arrive at my next class wanting to barf since I ate so much at lunch.
2:30-4:00 more classes, more screaming and sometimes sneaking off to the 3 year olds room to play with them and hang out with Diana (the teacher).
4:00- HAUL ASS (scuse the language)to bus stop, pray that bus comes within a half hour
4:30/4:45- arrive at Principe Pio, HAUL ASS to cercanías to catch train to north of Madrid.
5:15-8:00 give private lessons to 3 separate families, color pictures with kids, explain to them that calling you a `cow` because they learned it in school is actually not funny, and hope that they can concentrate long enough so that their parents actually think they are learning something. Realize that talking at a kid in English is almost as painfully boring for you as it is for them and hope that source of creativity can be found so as to not kill everyone involved with boredom.
9:30 Arrive home, eat something, drink mate with Diego, talk about anything and everything
11:00 asleep, dead tired and preparing for the next day!
I think thats a pretty acurate descirption, so until I can find something interesting to talk about for my next post, I send you all my love and tons of hugs & kisses!
Hola linda! que tal? Gracias por tu mensaje en el blog ;-D La verdad es que cuando te vi tan guapa en la fiesta de despedida de xevi quise yo también hacer una renovación estética y lo apunte a mi lista de cosas pendientes (jaja)
Asi que en realidad me diste una idea muy buena ;-D
Ahora estoy un poco agobiada porque tengo el examen entre finales de noviembre y principios de diciembre. Pero en cuanto tenga un poco de tiempo deberíamos salir por ahi a ligar en la noche madrileña ;-D
Mil besitos guapa*y hasta pronto
Oh Lala! I am so glad that you love teaching. I know that you are a wonderful teacher! XOXO sasa
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