All in all I was extremely pleased with how things turned out and am glad I didnt burn anything down (no more toasted coconut mom!). This weekend, Amanda and I hung around Madrid and spent far too much money shopping! I bought a new jacket (my white one had to be committed to the great beyond due to the fact that it looked brown even though its white) and some pants, new boots, a skirt and a 2 turtlenecks! It was some serious damage but I needed some retail therapy! haha
On Friday night Angel surprised Amanda and I by taking us to the theater!!! We were lucky enough to see a compilation of dances, performed by Laura Hormigón and Óscar Torrado two of the former principal dancers of the Cuban National Ballet. We went with Angel's friend Edu, whose lovely girlfriend Myriam was part of the 3rd couple that the show included. SHE WAS SIMPLY FANTASTIC! It was only her 5th show as a professional but she had such poise and strength on the stage that it seemed she had been dancing professionally for years! Myriam was part of the Bolero couple, and the other two were featured were focused prinicpally on Ballet and Flamenco. I was completely enthralled with the whole thing and I can't thank Angel enough for bringing us! What a great surprise from such an amazing friend! (GRAN HERMANO TE ECHABAMOS! jaja). Now if only Amanda and I can think of a surprise thats better to repay him ;)

Also not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before, Fanderson, Leonardo, Alina and I went to Toledo...although I had been there before I had an amazing time and it was nice to discover the city on our own. We wandered up down all the little side streets and had an amazing lunch in a restaurant that we found! We also stumbled upon some huge Catholic hoopla that I clearly didnt understand, but it was pretty nonetheless! Toledo is such and amazingly quaint city, the buildings are ancient and its easy to feel like you are back in the 1700s from the architecture and layout of the city. I am glad we had the chance to go and hopefully I will make it back to Segovia soon (sans ambulance ride/hospital trip) so I can compare the two!

On Thursday Amanda and I are off to gay PARIS! I've never been (due to the fact that the last time I had a ticket I showed up to the airport with bells on only to realize my passport was in my bedroom an hour away) and I cant wait to explore all of the city!!! I am hoping to hit up the Lourve and Montmarte and of course swing by the Eiffel Tower so I can take the obligatory "look I am leaning-holding up-climbing the Eiffel Tower" picture, though I must admit I will not be going to the top of it since I think I would probably barf. Eitherway I am so so so excited to go and to see Katherine as well. It'll be a Falcon reunion Paris Style!
Time is flying here and I cant wait to be home in Bradenton for Christmas! I am so happy I will be able to spend the holidays with the people I care about the most and that my other half will be coming down to do the whole Jesus-presents thing with us too! (Watch out Bradenton, Tara is making her grand return! LOL) Other than that not much to report! I hope this finds you all happy and healthy and I send you all my love!!!!
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